Monday, November 21, 2011

Shadows Part 2

Alright, those of you who I left hanging from a cliff, I am sorry. Before I share with you what I promised in the previous post I just want to say, If you haven't heard the song I am referring to you should give it a listen. Personally, I think it is a great song. so, here you go. I have provided the song for you! Now, click the play button and listen to the song before you continue reading. That way if you are one who hasn't heard the song yet you will get to have your own opinion and maybe God will speak to you differently. yes? yes. now go on. press play.


Is it not a great song? I love it.
Okay, so although I love the song in its entirety for it speaks to me in many ways, I still want to just focus on the Chorus I posted earlier. here it is again:

When shadows fall on us
We will not fear
We will remember

When darkness falls on us
We will not fear
We will remember

When all seems lost
When we're thrown and we're tossed
We'll remember the cost
We're resting in the
Shadow of the cross

This past Sunday morning I had the privilege to co-host our church service. When I was asked if I wanted to do that and I agreed, my pastor had told me that when I introduce myself to the congregation to tell them a little about myself. something personal. something about my walk with the Lord. My mind went blank. Saturday night I still had no idea what I was going to say. Until I thought, what is more personal then telling someone your struggles or past struggles?

I accepted Christ as my Savior while I was in Junior High. It wasn't until the end of my senior year of High School that my Faith was really put to test. and I mean really put to test. My grandmother died of cancer and I was devastated. it was the first death close in my family that i had experienced. It was at that point that my walk with the Lord was put on pause. I didn't want to communicate with Him. I didn't even want to acknowledge Him.  In exactly 1 week, my grandfather from my dads side passed away. yeah i know. ridiculous right? Oh, but that wasn't the end of it. two months later, at the start of August, my Aunt passed away, also from cancer. At this point I was almost numb to it all. when my aunt passed away I was out on a mission tip in northern California. so, having been doing work for the Lord and Glorifying Him in all I do for a whole week straight with no distractions was great. but getting this news popped that bubble. But it made it that much harder to be upset and angry about it. or at least not at the surface.  It took a while for me to wrap my mind and heart around it all. But, I got through it.

I am sharing this with you because as I was going through that storm,being thrown and tossed and feeling lost I couldn't help but to remember that I am not going through it all alone. I was able to rest in the shadow of the cross. sure it was hard to get myself to remember that, but it was there. and in the end it got me through it and continues to get me through it.

Living your life for Christ isn't an easy thing to do. You want to believe that just by being saved your life will be cake. but its quite the opposite.  and if you haven't figured it out already, life seems almost impossible without the help of our God. His love, strength, mercy and grace is more sufficient than anything else.

When you feel like your in the shadows just remember and do not fear. He will guide you through it all.

This is what God has been reminding me of recently. And I am glad I can share it with you.


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