Golly, It is already January 1st, 2012! Can you believe it? Time goes by so fast.
2011 was such a crazy year for me. It went by so fast!
I just finished the semester from hell. And really not looking forward to seeing what my grades are. This coming semester should be better. I will only be taking 3 classes and I refuse to let this semester be a failure.
Throughout 2011 I had crazy, unexpected, and unwanted friendship quarrels.And friendships that were mended. There were so many decisions I had to make regarding my friendships as well. Definitely something I hope to never have to go through again. But, its life. Who knows what God will have me go through. But that is the the beauty of the Lord, having full faith in Him and not knowing where the Lord is gonna take me. I am ready for it. I've spiritually grown so much through out 2011 and it wasn't easy but it has changed me so much. I am still going through a lot of changes in life and decisions need to be made but that all takes time. In Gods time.
I just know that this year is the year that great things will happen. I mean, so many great things are already in the near future. My best friend, Amy will be graduating from College!! My little APU graduate she will be :) And my dear friend Marilyn, who is like a sister to me, is going to Australia to serve the Lord. I am so excited for her.
If you haven't guessed it yet, I am very excited for 2012. It is gonna be a great year. Really, I am so excited. I hope,wish and pray that this new year is filled with Love, Happiness, Peace, Joy, and Jesus. Hope you all have a fantastic year. I am not saying this year will be a blissful year, I guarantee you there will be some hard times. deaths, fights, divorces, breakups, whatever it is, there will be hard times. But, it is your choice to make the best of it. Are you going to dwell in it and let it control your life? Or are you going to work through it and learn from it. Grow from it. There is always something the Lord can teach you. Live life Loving Jesus.
Happy New Year!

All so very true, Liz! And HAPPY, BLESSED, JESUS-FILLED NEW YEAR to you, too!!